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Reawakening ..... QR Codes / Vaccinations and more

Bernadette Hoy


What a couple of month's that had been and where do we go from here. As I am sure you are aware retail is starting to "reopen" on Monday. There are many different feelings people are having in regards to this and I think they range from great fear to great excitement. Some people are experiencing "all of the above". As we come out of lockdown we are looking for a fair, safe and legal way forward. We are opening by appointment for the next couple of weeks. There will be half hour time slots with a maximum of 3 people in the shop during that half hour. Each person is limited to a maximum 30 mins per time slot. Everyone will have their own opinions as to what needs to be done. This is, at present, what we feel is best for our business, staff and customers. We want to trial this for a week or two and see how it goes. We will make changes along the way.

Currently from 11 October 2021, legally under Public Health orders, we can only let you into the shop if - you are wearing a mask - you sign in with the Services NSW QR code and show us this as well as your vaccination status (you need to be fully vaccinated) - you maintain a 1.5m distance from other customers and staff - all the other stuff such as "haven't been to hotspots" , "not showing symptoms" , "haven't mixed with COVID positive people", "haven't been asked to isolate" etc

There has been lots of talk around checking into stores with QR codes and the way to do it. We were given this "poster" / guide and I thought it was worth sharing with you as it runs through what to do step by step. I know some people have not been out for a while and I know the news changes what we need to do daily. Hopefully this will help with some uncertainty and concerns.

You can download the detailed checking in guide here.

We are all looking forward to some sort of normal. We are still aiming to keep you all as safe as possible, so bare with us as we make our way through this together. We will consistently look at the way we are operating and make calls along the way we feel are necessary for the safety of our customers / staff and families. We want to get back to the "new normal" as best and as soon as we can. Thank you in advance for your patience and understanding. It's a daily tough call what is right to do and when.

Here is some info on what we are required to do re vaccination status but also links to guides as to how to get your vaccination certificate

If you are not fully vaccinated we are still here to help you. Just ring the shop on 0295222340 and we can arrange Click and Collect or Postage of orders. It just means we can't "hang out" at the moment. We look forward to being able to do that soon.

See you soon


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